Startup School for Seniors

Jan 13, 2022

The Resolution Foundation stated recently that it takes those aged 50+ twice as long to find a job than any other age group. Enter the Startup School for Seniors. Launched in 2020, they offer an 8-week online course aimed at people aged 50+ who want to turn their business idea into a reality. They’ve seen 170 people graduate from the programme, with over a third making money before the eight-week programme is over.

So What?

According to Isele and Rogoff (2014), the economic impact of the businesses started and managed by senior entrepreneurs is big. They create jobs not only for themselves but also for others. They contribute not only to the local but also the national economy. And they are on the rise. Just a few of the many reasons we’ll be exploring the future of ageing through our new Paradigm Shift theme. Coming March 2022.