Dec 02, 2021
Following the high profile (and beautifully handled) announcements of Chadwick Boseman and MF Doom’s deaths in 2020, this Wired article poses the question “What are you going to Tweet after you die?
So What?
As our day to day lives become increasingly intertwined with the internet, should our deaths follow suit?
This article explores how our stories will be told online after we’re gone, and what we need to do now to influence and control that narrative. In the Metaverse, where the corporeal and the digital are seamlessly intertwined, what could this mean for in-mem and tribute fundraising? Is there an opportunity for innovation in this space to protect and remember loved ones once they’ve passed? Should we assign a financial value to digital real estate as part of legacy management and estate valuation?
How will the Metaverse impact legacy fundraising in the future? Definitely an area we'll keep an watching brief and report back as things evolve.